Friday, September 21, 2012

Shawn Shamrock's GLADD Rant

A funny clip from Shawn Shamrock's return to stand up comedy the other night!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thoughts on my big return to Comedy!

      I haven't much used this blog since I started it last year, I think it is about time to change that. The more I do things the more I really feel like sharing what's in my head. If you didn't know I took a long break from doing comedy. Sometime last year I was driving with my best friend Jenni and we were in the middle of nowhere and we stopped off at an open mic. I did awesome in that show and then got booked on their comedy night, but when I did the following show I just felt something was off..  Was it my act? Was the spark that kept me going gone? I don't know but it didn't feel right so I just stopped doing comedy all together. I said I was going on "Hiatus"

       To be honest I didn't accomplish as much as I would like during this "hiatus" but I did get to put some time into re-releasing my book, and promoting that a long with my cd.  I recently got into modeling, as well as getting my first paid gig for that so I had other options to keep me busy outside of comedy.. Of course now that I am into modeling I have a new appreciation for that as well.

      The main thing that I did during all that time off was I lost focus of myself as well and put on a bit of weight.. I am glad to say that since April of this year thanks to a certain program called "Insanity" I lost around 30 pounds, and I have kept it off..

     The point of this all is when I took stage last night I wanted to throw up.  The whole night I was so nervous about how I would do.. Would i forget my jokes? I wrote my whole act in my phone just in case, but I don't know for some reason the second I got back on that stage all my worries went away, and I didn't forget anything and I really nailed my act.  Was it 100% perfect, probably not but since  I recorded it I could  fine tune it a bit, but for the most part I nailed it!  Was an incredible feeling that I conquered the come back fear..  I feared total failure..

AS a side note I wanna thank Amanda Batdorf, and Shawn Ravenfire for the support last night.  They are 2 comedians as well that were there, and are both awesome comedians in their own right..  It was a fantastic night and I would have probably backed out if you guys weren't there

Looking ahead to more