Saturday, January 26, 2013


Just got back from the set of a web tv series called Exile! This project may get me a future IMBD credit as I was a featured extra. I'll give you guys more details as they come. The project should be out at the end of the summer, unless it otherwise gets delayed. With these productions you never really know what to expect.

I can't give too much information on what everything was about. As with these things they kind of have to stay under wraps untill they come out.

What I can tell you is Exile seems like a great show based around the current zombie craze.
I wanna thank to cast and crew for making my time on set a  fun time. Sometimes you take part in these things and they are usually so strict and the extras are treated like absolute crap. Not in this case!

We were treated like we were part of the cast and not just an accessory. Always a plus when respect is shown all around.  Look forward to seeing the final project.