Thursday, February 3, 2011

The New Oregon Trail is beyond insulting

I decided to install the New Oregon Trail for Facebook.  It is currently in Beta so some bugs of course are expected.
However for those of you a little bit behind here's the trailer.

Of course it's cheesey and corny as all hell. I think it is more of a remake of the second game. I remember the ammounts of joy this game brought back when I was in grade school.  We had about  7 computers that we all had to wait til the end of the week to get our turn to play.
Anyway the game was about the coolest thing in the world. The only game to ever top it was The Incredible Machine.
Let's get to my point here. I was thrilled when I saw a remake being launched on facebook.

However, let me suggest to my friends that you avoid this disaster. Unless of course you want all your memories of an awesome game being destoryed.

There are quite a few issues with this new version. Like I said it is techinally in the beta version so maybe some of them will get worked out.

  • It's super lagged! I thought at first it was my internet connection but other games were working fine.So if you can get past the lag you may have fun.
  • As can be expected you need facebook notes, meaning you have to use real cash to get anything good in the game. For example you get a deadly disease and you are only given 15 notes. To cure it you have to use one. That wouldn't be bad except by the time you are done with the first part of your mission, each member of your team has been struck with some deadly disease, or snake bite or something.
  • You get diseased and sick way too much. Like I mentioned before it's about spending real life money. So you end up getting sick what seems like much more than in the original. Makes it rather frustrating.
  • The cheesy farmville graphics!  Enough said...
I can go on for days but i will end there! It isn't totally bad but I can see as it grows it becoming just another money taker.  Nothing really exciting here. I think once the lag issues are under control and the use of more coins or an option for friends to cure your diseases. Well this will still suck but it may be worth another play through in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that game from way back in our elementary school days. You're right it does look kinda cheesy the way Facebook remade it.

    I think I like the older version better than the way they have it now.
